Seiyoku no Tenshi Eterna ~Daraku no Sakusei Kikai~ | Holy Wing Angel Eterna ~Depravity Machine~ (Seigi no Heroine Kangoku File DX vol. 5)
(C88) SUPER Galkodelic Hour (Oshiete! Galko-chan, Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka)
Haraboko Level Drain ~Seira Selty Aku ni Kussuru~ (2D Comic Magazine Bokoo SEX de Monzetsu Zenkai Acme! Vol. 1)
SweetEdda Vol. 6 Inma Tensei Hen - Daraku no Inmashou Ischia | SweetEdda vol.6: Succubus Reincarnation - Ischia, The General of Corruption
ERONA Orc no Inmon ni Okasareta Onna Kishi no Matsuro | Erona ~The Fall of a Beautiful Knight Cursed with the Lewd Mark of an Orc~ Ch. 1-3
Immoral Drop Kanojo no Medorei ni Modotta Hi | Immoral Drop - The Day My Lover Fell Back Into Slavery (Seigi no Heroine Kangoku File Vol. 16)